Saturday, December 27, 2008

You'll be in my heart forever....

Last week, one of my good friend left me..She promised to me..She will come back and study with me together..but she left me forever..hope she can rest in peace...

I was shocked..When I woke up, I heard one bad news for me..Nicole left me..Suddenly, my mind was blank...And the tears came out from my eyes..I cannot control myself...I felt very very sad..I really don't know what should I do....

That time she told me her condition...It was very dangerous...Need to do operation....I worried about her....she told me that, please don't tell anyone her i just keep quiet...

She treats me very good...She taught me a lot of things....I am really very happy got Nicole as my friend...We can recognise each other in Inti..I think this is fate..i am really appreciate it..

People will say that she left us last week ..why you now only write this post?? It is because i really don't know how to face this fact...Nicole left me....She left me...I suddenly felt down until the max...Every night before sleeping, nicole will appear in my mind....My tears came out again and again....

I try my best to become happy..because nicole doesn't like me look sad...when i am sad, she owis will comfort i must become happy...I know that nicole will owis be around me....She is in my heart forever...i will not forget her....

I promised to her..If she cannot come back, she hoped that i can study well and helped her to continue her dream....that is try to get a good result....

Nicole, I hope you can rest in peace...i know you are around me...i will help you to continue your dream...I will try my best...Nicole, I miss you....

Saturday, December 13, 2008





下个学期的我会怎样啊??我不知道。。那也是最后一个学期了。。很多朋友都会分道扬镳。。他呢??会走吗??我不懂。。如果他走的话,是不是会读到他比较喜欢的课程呢??我希望他会做一个他不会后悔的决定。。这对他才是最重要的。。只要他开心就好。。 只要他开心,我也会很开心的。。会舍不得吗??会的话,我也会尽量压抑自己的情绪。。。我不想看到他不开心。。

回家后,也要开始我的‘筹备生日礼物大计划’,哈哈。。还有我要去唱 K ,把一切的想念都唱出来。。毕竟唱歌是我最喜欢做的事。。在多个小时就要回家了,下个学期见。。你要照顾自己哦。。要玩得开心一点哦。。

Monday, December 8, 2008


明天就是我的 biology 1 paper, 有点紧张,怕自己读的会忘记。。要加油了。。有人会说都在考试,为什么还有时间写 blog,因为我想抒发我紧张的心情,不然我会疯掉。。哈哈哈。。



Sunday, December 7, 2008


今天的我好开心,考完 Moral 考试,好像放下心中大石。。好舒服哦。。他好像听懂我的话,要他带的东西他有带,他没有和我交谈,但我明白为什么。。。回到房里,会因为没和他说话,有点怪,但还好,至少看到他一眼。。回到房里,觉得自己好累,想睡觉。。于是就睡了。。




Friday, December 5, 2008



何维健 - 我相信

我相信 生命中会有一见钟情的剧情
曾被爱伤害的心不容易倾心 你的眼神配合冷淡的表情 逃避中故作冷静

我相信 第一次凝望你离开我的背影
不小心梦中让感觉能延续 模糊中你最清晰

I believe in you 窥探那双迷人深情的眼睛
我的心留给你 我的人在附近 不必立刻作回应
不想爱的轻易 需要让你动情 因为怕你会离去
想念让人窒息 所以不离不弃 每分钟都要和你亲近

让你安全 我可以寸步不离
自尊都不要 我也置之不理
Ooh I believe





陶吉吉 - 普通朋友
“ 等待 我随时随地在等待 
 做你感情上的依赖 我没有任何的疑问
 这是爱 ” 



有一首歌,一直在我脑海里打转。。我自己也不知道为什么。。是我的心情吗?? 吴克群的“为你写诗”,里面有一部分歌词,好像是在诉说些什么。。

“ 爱情 是一种怪事 我开始全身不受控制
爱情 是一种本事 我开始连自己都不是
为你我做了太多的傻事 第一件就是为你写诗 ”

“ 爱情 是一种怪事 你的笑容是唯一宗旨
爱情 是一种本事 我在你心里什么位置 ”


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


我到底是在帮人还是在害人啊?? 我未免做得太多了。。明明就不管我的事,为什么我要拿来烦自己啊,我到底是想怎样??整件事让我搞到好像很复杂。。

原本我是想帮忙的,不知是不是越帮越忙。。我在烦恼,我是为了什么啊,是为了让你在生活上开心一点吗?? 还是想把事情都解决,好让你专心读书??还是为了其他原因啊??我这么的关心和担心你,连我自己都不知道为什么。。你能告诉我吗??

为什么男生总是不懂女生的心情?? 女生对男生的感觉是不由自主地。。几时开始来的都不知道。。女生要的是希望有一个人在她身边照顾她,让她不孤单。。女生要的就这么简单。。这个男生,我真的不知道是要骂你才好,还是怎样?? 都到了这个年纪,懂得怎样处理事情吧?? 但是为什么我之前总觉得你在逃避。。逃避是不能解决问题的。。应该跟对方好好谈。。到了最后,还好我没看错你。。最后他把事情处理得很好。。真的。。你已经跟自己的心做了一个交待。。


还有就算我劝了,也不会改变什么。。你已经有解决事情的方法了。。不需要我了。。我知道你帮了我很多。。就算我欠你人情好了。。我不喜欢欠。。我会还的。。但我该怎么还?? 能让我知道吗??我只知道我能帮你多少,我就会帮。。是为了感觉吗?? 是你对我的感觉,还是我对你的感觉?? 复杂。。 是朋友还是其他?? 我自己都不晓得。。希望你能让我知道。。

我只是一个再平凡不过的女生,可是老天爷好像觉得我能承担一切,把历史一直重演,然后让我快受不了了,如果身边有可以依靠的人,那该有多好。。至少能在我快倒下的时候扶着我。。但我觉得老天真的在作弄我。。一直让我遇不到真爱。。 到底谁才是那个能让我依靠的人??好复杂。。是他还是他??可能没有任何一人吧。。我已经不再期待什么。。哭了,就算了。。就算怎么等,老天爷还是不会让我好过的,我的真爱永远不会出现。。刚开始的我,是多么的相信命运,但现在的我,觉得命运作弄人。。。

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


你对一个人说过,你没有喜欢的人,是真的吗? 你摸着你的心,老实的再说一遍?



Wednesday, November 26, 2008




在梦里,“他” 做了一些举动,“他”也说了我梦寐以求的话。。。我真的真的好开心哦。。。但那一切的一切都只是一场梦。。在现实是肯定不会发生。。俗话说:“梦和现实是不一样的”。。。可能老天已经给了我一点暗示吧。。我想太多了。。。毕竟梦不是真实的。。如果现实发生的话,我可能会开心到晕倒。。真的。。。

我尽量不去在意“他”。。可是好像怎么努力都办不到。。但我还是会很努力很努力。。。会加油的 。。我知道了自己什么应该做,什么不应该做。。。清楚了。。。明潦了。。那就这样吧。。。

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This week is really a very hectic week...there got test 2 for my biology 2, mathematics 2 and basic computing...really feel like very stress and pressure...scare myself cannot reach my own target...and cannot get a good results....for me, now my mind is all fulled with education things....tests, presentations, final exam...they r very trouble me..but to fufil my dream....I am very willing to do that....haha.....

Today is my first paper for my test 2...that is Mathematics.....I think should be ok for me....but i got not enough time to finish it n double check it....haiz...but i think not so least i tried my regret already.....

Tomorrow is my biology paper...I don't know why....I like Biology but the marks of it is not always very good.....need to study harder and harder....To study Biotechnology, I must have good i need to "add oil " already...haha...Burn midnight oil somemore....hahahaha....but i consider before, if I cannot get good results for my Biology, mayb i will choose Food Science in my still got time can think....My Chemistry is the best in the three main Science let God decides it ....

The last test paper is my Basic Computing...that is the only subject that i scare...Because i am a idiot of computer programming things....a bit cannot handle...need to study harder, harder, harder....hope can do quite well on it....Wishing for myself all the best in my test 2, and the following tasks : assignments, presentations, and FINAL EXAM.....

Saturday, November 8, 2008

busy month

I mayb will very late to update this blog oredy...because starting need to study hard for my test 2, presentation, assignment and final examination already...i will work harder and achieve my target....and my dream..

Friday, November 7, 2008

study hard

I just came back from is my favourite subject : Mathematics class...I like it ...but got a bit don know so need to study hard to catch up...if not, i will be left behind of people...wat was going on the lecture? Just normal...Miss Ja taught us the new chapter..the last chapter i am not so clearly on it, so need to study ....haha...

Today, the whole class was so quiet..maybe everyone is very tired on energy to talk already...haha....

Now, in my heart, i only feel like i want to study..i really want to study hard so that i can successfully study the course that i want and can go to the university that i want...that is my target..also my dream...i realise this semester is quite hard compared to last semester beause i don like basic is so boring and need to know many things about computer device...I think myself is a idiot of computer..haha...

I will not think about anything besides on study...for me, family is at the first place, friend is second and education is third...That's all...It is not convenient to speak out what is my actual dream but i hope my dream will come true.....Wishing.....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Boring day !!!

Who can help me?? i am boring now....the whole day, i only online....nearly mad...listenng to music..feel sad...watching to video, i am also feel boring...ya...i am still studying my week got moral test..need to study harder so that can get a high mark, like tat, will not be so hard for me to face final...I need to buck up..i come here for study n not for fun..i regretted once...cannot regret again...

Study in overseas is my dream...i hope i can do it... i can stand it...i come here alone for study, no family member beside i must learn how to become more independent...

i really need to study hard...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



一大早,音因就来载我。。好久没坐她的车了。。很多回忆哦。。以前每次她都会载我去补习。。我们一起到面之家去吃早餐。。我们的补习班就在楼上。。我们聊了很多心事。。有她的,有我的。。和音因聊天很开心。。想到以前一起补习的时候。。过后,我们就到 billion 去走走,边聊边逛,好自在。。我们聊到好开心。。音因,谢谢你陪我聊心事。。我舒服多了。。

我们想到要去咏诗家找她,二话不说,就驾车去了。过后聊了一会儿,就去找我的好‘ 哥哥 ’,佶阳。。我好久没看到他了,佶阳一上车,就说我越来越有‘ 福气 ’哦,我的好哥哥,不要以为我不懂,你在说我胖嘛,我下次就瘦给你看。。哈哈哈。。

我们坐着音因的车,去见淑莉和洧豪。淑莉和洧豪像以前一样。没什么变到。还是那么的甜蜜。 是我出的主意,说要打保龄球。大家都玩得很开心,佶阳说不会打,还能打到最高分,未免也太厉害了吧!!我头头打得不错,越打越烂。哈哈哈。我们也拍了很多的照片,作为留念。

打了两场,大家手都有点痛,咏诗有事先走了,就剩下我们五个人。佶阳建议去唱 k 。大家也很有默契的说好。五个人坐在一个包厢里,唱着歌。我发现大家好像是把压抑已久的心情都唱出来。。是好的。在唱完那么多首歌之后,我们的喉咙都痛了,开始有一点没声音了,最后我可以听到淑莉唱歌,我真的是太开心了。。哈哈哈。第一次哦。




My tuition friends...Yeah....

Thursday, October 23, 2008


刚刚好像说错话了。。等到现在才知道。。好像有点太迟了。。。不知道他有没有在生气。。不好意思,我不小心说错话了。。我开始讨厌我自己。。为什么我每次说话都没经过大脑?? 该打!!! 实在是太不小心了。。这真的是我的一大缺点。。也是我需要改进的地方。。我会努力的。。。也希望他不要生气才好。。。

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

我爱笨珍的人 ,事 , 物


在中学时,和咏诗、淑莉、侑豪、凤琦、音因、佶阳他们一起补安哥, 真的好开心,好好玩哦。。安哥也会说笑话,让我们整班七十多位学生,笑得啼笑皆非。。安哥真的是我们的恩师。。没有他,我们不会考到这么好的成绩。。谢谢你,安哥。。

还有在学校,有嘉欣、慧慧、颖凡、惠雯、恬恬他们,让我觉得我不是孤单的一人。。每天都很开心的上学。。一起聊是非,一起去图书馆,一起疯。。那么美好的时光,几时还会再有呢?? 我好像回到那个时候。。

现在的我没有像以前那么开心,因为很少见到大家。。觉得怪怪的。。其实现在的我还不错。。不要担心我。。有nicole紫薇、siva, 志豪、senior政宇和 michelle 在照顾着我。。在inti的日子,才令我觉得还满不错虽然没有像以前那么的开心。。



Tuesday, October 21, 2008


好久没写了 。。是时候写一写 了。。看到朋友成双成对,自己看了就感到很开心。。哈哈。我也好想有哦。对一人有感觉,难道那就叫喜欢吗? 好难懂哦。我在想为什么我会拿这些事来烦自己。。为什么我要踩进那个无地洞呢?? 需要很长的时间才能爬上来。。我还在努力。。我爬得好辛苦。。应该回到现实了。。是时候放弃了。。 回到刚开始的时候。。我会把一切当做是我生命中的美好回忆。。永远藏在我心里。。

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Happy Holiday In KUALA PILAH

Yeah,there was a holiday of Hari raya...On 30th Sept, i went to my uncle's house at Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan...I think i have never been there about 8-10 years already...Miss there a lot..HAHA....After my class, i started to travel from inti to KP... by ktm n bus...I travelled by myself oh..So fun...

With a happy mood, i had my was a raining day..why everytime i travel from one place to another, it will sure rainning one?? HEHE...But it is ok...i was still very happy...When i arrived KP, my uncle came n fetched me...Long time din see him oredy...n his family...feel very miss them....this was a really good holiday for me...

At there, uncle n aunt treat me very good...Aunt cooked a lot of delicious foods for touched...happy because can eat a proper dinner..all of us sit together n had our dinner...Sometimes had some arguement between them but this is the way for them to build up the relationship...So loving...

The next day, my cousin sister told me that my aunt will give me a surprise...BBQ Party...Oh My God...I was so happy....In this party, all the neighbours came to uncle's house n had fun...all of the neighbours r very friendly...still got my another uncle came back from sabah n had fun together...wah, so nice oh...

I stayed in Kuala Pilah for about 5 there, i didn't feel any pressure and i was so happy that i can go there for holiday..thanks for xiao jiu n xiao jiu mu...thanks for xiao jiu mu cooked so many delicious foods for me...OYISHI..thanks for Jun Kiat to fetch me to san jiu's house..thanks for zixuan n ziqi owis be wif me n had fun there...thanks for san jiu, san jiu mu, brian, zhi ming n zhi wei also....N all of the neighbours....

Next time if got any holiday, i will go there again...It is really very fun for me....

Thursday, September 25, 2008


[命中注定我爱你]里的纪存希说过:“生命就像一场赌注,不可能把把都赢,可是一有筹码,命运就在自己手里。听起来好像很容易,可是做起来, 好难好难。


为了不再当温室的小花,我选择出外读书,学习独立。视野变阔了,看的人也多了。了解了好多,慢慢地在长大。之前发生的一些事,让我知道这世界是残酷的,也让我知道要怎样生活。朋友对我来说是长久的,我不管别人是怎么想,我只知道你们永远是我朋友。还有,150 俱乐部的成员, 你们是我的死党,我们的心永远都会关心着对方。



Tired Day...

Today is really a tired day... I am so tired because yesterday did assignment until quite late.. almost sick la..headache.. but I still can stand it.. This morning, the first page of attendance list of our moral education was missing. So our cfes students suffered..A number of them cannot sign the list...Must wait until dismiss the class...Haiz...

Finally they signed it..After that, we still need to go computer lab to attend the computing lab session..BORING...And the lab exercise was so troublesome..I thought we can just copy and paste the article, but is WRONG... cannot la...So, v needed to type it word by word..Haiz...

The next tired session was the biology lab session.. We needed to take the iodine's solution, benedict's solution and others.. Some interesting things was happened..when some solution was added with NAOH and CUSO4, reaction was happened and formed many colourful liquid...So beautiful..

The one of the boring subject was coming to me..That is Basic Computing..Haiz..In the classroom, everyone was looked like so tired ..No mood to listen what was the lecturer talking about...Haha...Suddenly, chee hoe, did one thing which let me very admire him...Haha...That was ....erm...Play the RUBIK'S CUBE, which is also called magic cube..AMAZING..Before that, I felt like very tired but chee hoe, thanks for your that I would not feel so tired..Haha...Thank u..hoe, you are really nice la..haha...Is it very nice and amazing? Can see from the picture?

Very amazing right?? He played by himself...BRAVO....

Really is a very tired day..Because of the magic cube, let me a bit happy and an eye-opener...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My 18th Birthday Party

I was too happy.. It was because i had a very surprising birthday party.. I didn't expect I can have a such good birthday party....This was the first time that got so many people ....So touched..And very surprising for me..Thanks u all..CFES gang ...

We did a barbecue session..CFES rented the BBQ place..And they prepared many kinds of food like sausages, sandwiches, chicken wings, and jelly..And we had a lot of fun there and everyone was so happy..Got nicole, sivany, victor, kent ren, louis, kah yuong, huei ying, melanie, yee teng, bee heng, yoyo, ryan, alvin, jet, chee hoe, michelle, ken, tien pui, angeline, premla, angelina, komalaa, darren, jason, fey, jun, ice and wee yuan...See, so many there..Thanks u all..really...I won't forget my 18th birthday..And mathew, I am sure you were not there but I am sure that your spirit was with us..

Yeah, CFES... PEACE>>>

WAH, still got my favourite dessert...That is CAKE..That is very very nice and delicious..I love it very much..And we took a lot of photos memory....

Me, Melanie, Bee Heng, Yee Teng....

Sivany and I

Chee Hoe n Me

Ice, wee yuan, ken, ryan, yoyo, n I

Jet n Me

VIctor n Me

darren, angelina, komalaa n Me

Me, huei ying n kent

louis, kah yuong n me

jason, fey, jun, darren n Me

Very happy...thanks you all....and I still haven forgot my pontian good friend ....thanks for pontian friend who sent me sms n sang the birthday song to me..chee yong said I cannot hear but I can feel it..thank u... jia xin, ying fang, wee wee, hui wen, yin ying, chee yong, fong kee, su lee, and other who treat me so well... thanks...

I won't forget you all in my life...and I won't forget my 18th birthday party....thank u so much...Rock, CFES GANG...AND PONTIAN GOOD FRIEND...